Gittings 2018 Photographer’s Conference Recap

Gittings is proud to report another successful Photographer’s Conference held this summer.

Our annual conference was held August 24-27 in Portland, Oregon, with 23 professional photographers on-hand to learn, grow, and advance our team’s capabilities.

The photographers came from cities across the United States and London, Paris, and Hong Kong. The gathering provides our international team with an opportunity to come together, collaborate, and set the tone for the coming year.

What Did We Learn at the Conference?

The annual photographer’s conference included extensive training on lighting, posing, and reportage photography to enhance our team’s ability to tell a story through our portraits.

Our team was also tasked with a challenge to take pictures with only their cell phone, forgoing their typical high-tech equipment. Tasked with creating visually-compelling pieces with limited resources, our photographers were able to showcase the extent of their creativity and skill.

In addition to the challenge, our team grew from the opportunity to come together as a team, share ideas about the latest technology trends, and invest in each other as people. Our team is looking forward to gathering again next year.

Gittings is Your Professional Photography Partner

We believe that your law firm should have high-quality, professional legal portraits. Investing in legal portraits will help your firm stand out positively, separate itself from competitors, and tell the right story about your firm.

Our domestic and international team of photographers is ready and waiting to help elevate your image. Contact us today to inquire about high-quality portraits for your law firm.

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