Why You Need an Updated Portrait in 2024

New Year – New You! 

Many people see the new year as a fresh start. Although the only thing that’s changed is the last calendar number, and the world has done a full circle around its orbit, the feeling of change is permeating the air, and people will surely experience it! In addition, this is also the time when we reflect and take a good look at our previous achievements. Still, before you go way back, we want you to take a good look in the mirror and then back at your professional headshot. Not really looking like yourself? Thought so. This calls for an updated professional portrait!

As much as we hate to admit it, sometimes, change is a constant and will never stop. But that doesn’t necessarily need to mean a bad thing! While some changes are greater than others, you have to address your physical ones as well, especially when it comes to your career. While you may love your previous professional headshots, it’s most likely that you’ve outgrown them. And since we’re all about embracing the season of change, they don’t quite meet the criteria, or in other words – you just need updated pictures.

If you’re still doubting whether you should get professional portraits updated, here are a few reasons that will hopefully sway your mind.

1. You Don’t Have Professional Headshots At All!

Professional portraits aren’t iPhone selfies taken with a portrait filter – period. With that, updating your portfolio with pictures from your gallery that look somewhat professional is a big no, and it’s time you let go of that in 2024.

Instead, find the nearest professional photographer, give yourself a bit of pampering, and pose as if you’re Time’s Person of The Year! We’re sure your updated headshots will land the cover spot!

2. You’ve Outgrown Your Professional Headshots

Looking at your previous professional pictures for hours on end won’t make time go back, so it’s time to face the fact you’ve outgrown them. Granted, you may admire them because of your youth or how times weren’t so stressful back then, but there’s no point holding onto the past. And let us tell you a secret – you’ve never looked better!

3.You’ve Got A New Promotion

For some of you, the previous year has been nothing but work. While you may have lost countless hours of sleep and missed great hangouts with your friends and family, all that hard effort paid off in the end and landed you that sweet promotion you’ve desperately wanted!

First, we want to congratulate you sincerely! So, how about you celebrate with some updated portraits? Major promotions change you both in and out because of your hard work and achievement. With that in mind, there’s no point in using your previous pictures – let your new ones mark the beginning of an entirely new chapter in your career journey.

While these are some of the biggest reasons to get updated headshots, there’s a lot more where that came from. So, start your year strong and make a statement with your fresh, powerful professional portraits!