A Creative Approach to Lawyer Headshots

A Creative, Safe and Responsible Approach to Photography

One of the many challenges we are facing together is how to return to a somewhat “normal” life and remain as safe and responsible as possible. This is no easy task and is especially difficult in a business that relies on relatively close contact with our clients. Over the last few months we have evaluated our approach to creating lawyer headshots and have some creative approaches for our clients.

Last month we introduced our photographer guidelines highlighting simple and concise protocols to provide physical distancing and sanitization procedures. These guidelines ensure safe and responsible photography for both the photographer and you, the client. For the complete list of these guidelines, click here.

In addition to these, we will also be following all local ordinances and client preferences when it comes time for your photography session. Safety and comfort are our priority resulting in high quality legal portraits.

We pride ourselves on being leaders in the field, and this does not stop when the world comes to a halt. In fact, this is when we thrive. We will work with your firm to develop creative approaches to responsible photography, so that your lawyers can continue their essential services for their clients.

Innovative Ideas for Safe and Responsible Photography

We are all participants of this unusual time that is defining the world today, so we want to include our clients in this conversation to create a photography session that not only keeps you safe, but makes you feel comfortable. While the world has changed, you will still walk away with a portrait that portrays exactly what your clients need to see from you: confidence, intellect, and wisdom.

Photo Studio Rental

To give you the best portraits for your lawyers, one approach to safe and responsible photography would be to rent photo studio space or utilize short-term home or office rentals in a convenient area to your lawyers. This approach could be considered in those scenarios where it is inconvenient or impossible for the lawyers to safely and responsibly get to the urban office for his or her portrait.

On the law firm’s behalf, we will rent a location within which we can create a space that allows for appropriate physical distancing and enough time between sessions to properly clean and sanitize the area before the next appointment.

This option gives each client the knowledge that they are in a safe space and being responsible, while still obtaining the photo they need to continue their services to their clients.

Home Photography Session

Another approach to safe and responsible photography is to utilize an employee’s garage or other suitable and appropriate location in their home for a photographic session. If you have other lawyers residing in the same area of town, and the homeowner is receptive to using this space for their photographs, we will schedule their portraits at this location, following the safe and responsible photography guidelines. We are also happy to assist your law firm in selecting an appropriate number of locations based upon your lawyers’ home zip codes.

We are here for you

These are just two of the potential scenarios that could help firms like yours “get the job done” sooner than later, keeping you in business for your clients. Give us a call to discuss your particular needs and concerns, and we will happily develop a creative photography plan that works for you and your employees…safely and responsibly.

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