Client Spotlight: Marshall Dennehey

Project: New Website Launch

Client: Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin, P.C.

Scope: Photographed more than 480 lawyers in 20 U.S. offices throughout the Northeast and Florida in 22 days.

A unique aspect of this project: Marshall Dennehey has many locations throughout the Northeast and Florida making this project a logistical challenge, as some of their offices were in small markets with fewer lawyers. Because these photographs were being used for a new website, the management team was committed to a clean, fresh approach to the photography and opted to use a pure white background. In order to deliver the portraits in the most consistent manner, Gittings captured the professional portraits on a Chromakey background and provided Marshall Dennehey with multiple crops of each lawyer on a white background.

Our client said: “It was such a pleasure to work with the Gittings team. They immediately understood the images we were looking for and the tight timeline and logistical challenges of this project. Not only did they deliver all of the photo options we were looking for, but their unique calendaring platform made it easy for our marketing team and office managers to onboard lawyers into portrait time slots that worked with their schedules. Moreover, everyone seems to agree that these new lawyer photographs greatly enhance our new website and enhance our new branding objectives.”

– Joe Goldshear, Director of Marketing and Business Development

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