Few things compare to the joy of a newborn, admiring their tiny fingers and toes and the coos and cuddles as they fall asleep in your arms. First words are soon followed by first steps that so quickly travel to the first day of Kindergarten. Then, in what feels like the blink of an eye, that fully-grown child is packing for college, and you’re left asking, “where did the time go?”
Time is fleeting
This question emerges too often over the course of our lives, both during times we cherish and those we wish we could forget. From the exhilarating moments spent traveling the world or celebrating successes, to the anguish that overtakes us when illness strikes and loved ones are lost – we’re continually reminded that time is fleeting.
As a company, we are reminded of this frequently, through gallery walls in homes that show the Gittings’ portraits of babies to brides. As well as in boardrooms of companies and country clubs that are lined with portraits that show generations of hard work and service. Most importantly, clients express how thankful they are to have their family portrait that commemorates a loved one’s life before they passed on.
Excuses can lead to regret
So often we come up with excuses to avoid taking photographs. Weight loss, schedules that seem too busy, and the right outfit are all insignificant when it comes to capturing memories. Don’t let temporary factors lead to long-time regret.
As Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones sang, “Time waits for no one and it won’t wait for me.” In the busyness of life, it’s crucial to preserve your family’s love in a timeless portrait to be cherished for generations to come.