Design Guide: Black & White Portraits

Black and white headshots are not as common these days – simply because the color is seen as a vibrant and popular form of expression. While color portraits are beautiful and stimulating, there is something classic and intentional about choosing black and white for your firm’s portrait design. Here are a few reasons to consider a monochromatic look to your professional portraits if you’re looking for photo inspiration.Gittingslegalbw-240X300

Black & White Portraits Grab Attention

When a portrait is in black and white, it forces the viewer to really focus on the image. Since lawyer bio pages are often the most visited web pages on a law firm’s site, attention-grabbing is a good characteristic for your lawyers’ headshots. Because there is more focus on the image, the details in a black and white photo are important. Luckily for the person in front of the camera, details like lighting and shadows are for the photographer to worry about.

Black & White Goes with Every Color Palette

If your logo uses distinctive colors or your firm website’s images include a colorful array of hues, opting for black and white portraits eliminates any worry of color clashing – especially if one of the partner’s favorite ties is neon orange. Black and white portraits will complement and contrast nicely with colorful web pages. They draw focus to the lawyers and their expressions since there will be less focus on bright or dull color choices.

Black & White Can Elevate Perceived Professionalism

Black and white headshots combined with a more serious facial expression can help convey a sense of gravity to the subject. This strategy could work well for high-stakes law practices like criminal law and complex commercial litigation where the lawyers want to be perceived as tough, no-nonsense professionals. However, if you find that smiling faces work best with your firm’s brand, black and white portraits lend a more approachable all-business attitude to friendly, inviting headshots.

Interested in discussing the design for your law firm’s next photo project? Contact us today.

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