The Secret to High-Converting Social Media for Law Firm

Social media for law firms can be complicated. No one knows better than a lawyer the danger of sharing information that could be misconstrued as advice or some other intent other than what it is — purely promotional.

However, social media is critical to the success of any business in this day and age. It can get your frim new clients, better clients, and greater publicity–but only when you do social media right. Here are the hallmarks of high-converting social media for law firms.

Engaging With Readers

You might think the long history of your law firm is interesting. To everyone else, it’s dull filler. Your social media content must engage with readers. Encourage them to talk to you by presenting them with interesting questions. Serve up a steady stream of interesting content–not just marketing material that directs back to your website. Make your site about the consumer, and what you can offer them. Don’t make it all about you.

Offering Value–Not Just SEO or Marketing

Consumers engage with social media accounts that offer them something of value. They want information that’s relevant to them. So find a way to offer that information in a way that’s also relevant to your firm. A disability lawyer might serve a steady stream of health news, while a firm specializing in civil rights law might offer details on protests and knowing your rights.

The original content you create shouldn’t just be SEO-based marketing filler. It should provide actionable how-tos and valuable information. That’s what builds trust. And trust is what gets clients to call you when they need a lawyer. Your goal should be to steadily built relationships such that people follow your site before they need a lawyer, and think of you first when something happens that necessitates legal intervention.

Visually Engaging

No one wants to pore over endless walls of text. Consider how real-life first impressions work: a new acquaintance judges you on your appearance, and that affects how they hear the things you say. In social media, photos offer a first impression that can either draw in the reader or send them to the next site. So pick interesting imagery that tells a story, and that shares something unique and interesting about your firm. Stock photography is boring by design. Use it and lose viewers.

Telling a Story

What’s the story of your firm? What’s the story of your last big case? How does it all fit together? Consumers want to engage with firms that have a compelling story to tell. Whether you’re the scrappy little guy fighting against abusive corporations or the massive firm that’s steadily taking over your practice area, you must find a unique story to tell. Everything you share must fit in with that story, which serves as the cornerstone of your branding efforts.

Images are the best way to tell your firm’s story, since most people won’t read more than a sentence or two of content. Pride yourself on diversity? Then pick images that show it. Committed to compassionate care for clients of all walks of life? Then show soothing images that tell clients about your kindness.

Setting the Firm Apart

When you build your website, it’s tempting to model it after the sites of other firms–especially larger and more successful ones. This is a recipe for failure. The best sites set your firm apart. So don’t even think about mimicking another firm. What makes your firm unique is precisely what makes it marketable. So think about what you offer that others don’t. Then highlight that on your website and social media.

Social media requires a willingness to think critically about what you offer, and to see your firm through the eyes of a prospective client. With a little thought and a willingness to continually evaluate what you offer, you can build a website that really converts.

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